Debbie Dowd, 60, lives with her husband in South Croydon

Debbie Dowd, who lives with her husband in South Croydon, talks about how Bulkamid has changed her life

Debbie (who has three children and seven grandchildren) underwent “bladder bulking” treatment for recurrent stress urinary incontinence, in October 2017, following insertion of a TVT (Tension free Vaginal Tape) in 2001. She says the treatment was initially “life changing” and gave her the confidence to retrain for a new career and renew her love of travel.

Four years after her initial treatment, Debbie is now seeking advice from her gynaecologist about a further ‘top up’ treatment with Bulkamid®, following a recent return to “leaks” (something she thinks might be exacerbated by hormonal changes).

Here, Debbie explains her treatment journey so far….

“Not long after the birth of my third child, I began suffering with both urge incontinence and stress urinary incontinence and before long, the constant fear of leaking or being “caught out” away from a loo, started to dominate my life, and was really affecting my confidence. Working as a Sales Representative at the time (for a leading confectionary brand) I was always “out on the road” but feared standing at a petrol station, even for a few minutes (just the sound of the fuel pump could trigger a reaction!) let alone turning up to a meeting without knowing exactly where the toilet was. In fact, I made a point of popping to the ‘Ladies’ first, just to be on the safe side.

“I was also in a new relationship at the time and soon realised how badly incontinence was affecting my confidence – it sounds dramatic, but I felt “unclean”. There is literally nothing “sexy” about wearing a pad!

“Eventually, I took professional advice and was referred for an operation to fit a TVT or “mesh” as it is commonly called now. I found the procedure quite intrusive and, in all honesty, had I been aware of all the ‘bad news’ and possible side effects that later emerged, I probably wouldn’t have gone through with it. But, at the time, I was desperate.

“It worked for a while but after a couple of years, the effects had worn off and I was back to wearing huge, uncomfortable pads. I felt so fed up and self-conscious – I was too afraid to drink anything during the day or meet up with my friends in the evening. The condition was really affecting my quality of life.

“So, I went back to my GP and asked for a re-referral – and he suggested that I would be eligible for bladder bulking treatment (using Bulkamid®). Looking back, how I wish I’d gone back to see him sooner! The procedure took place at my local NHS Hospital in Croydon and was carried out under local anaesthetic, meaning I was home by lunchtime!

“Just as the Consultant Urogynaecologist, Mr Abdul Sultan, had advised me, it took around 20 minutes and apart from some slight stinging at the start, it wasn’t painful. The nurse chatted to me throughout and really put me at ease.

“And, for the first few years, post-treatment, I didn’t suffer with any of the symptoms of my SUI – barely a leak. I could have cried with relief!

“Almost immediately, I started booking up walking and climbing holidays and developed a real sense of adventure and a renewed love of travel with my husband. We visited Costa Rica on a couple of occasions and even stayed in a treehouse in the rainforest and volunteered in an animal rescue centre – experiences I could never have imagined, back when my incontinence was ruling my life.

“The treatment totally changed my life and I would recommend it to any other woman suffering the same issues. I decided to retrain and started working as ground crew for Virgin Atlantic Airlines (before the pandemic struck). And I felt able to relax and play with my grandchildren, with no worries about bending down to scoop up the little ones!

“I’m still amazed at the difference it made and I really feel it’s such a shame that it remains an “unmentionable” subject.

“More recently, my symptoms have started to return, and I’m being referred again to my gynaecologist to discuss whether I’m a candidate for a top-up treatment with Bulkamid® – something that I always knew might happen. But, if it is offered to me again (which I really hope it will be) I wouldn’t hesitate in having the treatment. I would still 100% recommend bladder neck bulking to other women suffering as I did – but with the knowledge that it may not last forever.

“However, to have had that relief, for even a few years, has been so liberating. It really did make me feel like “me” again.”