Bulkamid: aprobado por las mujeres.
Bulkamid ha cambiado la vida de miles de mujeres en todo el mundo; aquí incluimos los testimonios de algunas de ellas.

Bulkamid bewirkt eine drastische Verbesserung der Lebensqualität bei Frauen jeden Alters und jeder Generation.
Bladder & Bowel Community (UK)
Eine sicherere, nicht invasive Alternative
The Daily Mail (UK)
Es ist eine Erleichterung zu wissen, dass es Möglichkeiten gibt, die Belastungsinkontinenz zu beheben, und dass wir nicht still und heimlich leiden müssen.
The Mother Load (UK)
United Kingdom’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
United Kingdom’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
“Not long after the birth of my third child, I began suffering with stress urinary incontinence…Being successfully treated has totally changed my life and I would recommend it to any other woman suffering the same issues…Thanks to Bulkamid, I’m me again!”
A busy Sales Representative from South London
“The procedure itself takes around 15 minutes! Certainly, I was back doing all my normal activities the next day – which seems incredible given the usual 6-week recovery time from traditional surgery! From that day onwards, I didn’t need to wear pads again and those embarrassing leaks when coughing, sneezing, walking up a hill were a thing of a past. It made such a difference to my life.”
A Grandmother of two from Reading
“Over the past few years, I’d really got into going to the gym but increasingly my bladder issues – and those embarrassing leaks – were really starting to impact on what I could comfortably do…The procedure was all over in 15 mins and I was able to go home shortly after. In fact, I was back at the gym that evening and achieved a ‘Personal Best’ in dead lifting (without any leakage!) “
A Healthcare Professional who underwent the Bulkamid procedure
“A safer, non-invasive alternative”
The Daily Mail
“Bulkamid is making a dramatic difference to the quality of lives of women of all ages and generations”
Bladder & Bowel Community
“It’s a relief to know that there are options available to resolve Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) and that we don’t have to suffer in silence”
The Motherload
A busy Sales Representative treated at an NHS hospital in Croydon
The Mother Load